Friday, March 6, 2009

"Here is your sweetie and she is doing great. She continues on the
medicines. Will send the medical to Diana soon. Trying to walk
holding on to care giver Happy and just beautiful."

This came in an email from Patty Anglin today. Four pictures were also attached!
As you can imagine, this made my day.


Anonymous said...

WOW! i just cannot imagine! as my mother-in-law used to say, 'bless your heart!!!'.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! i will treasure the 'gift'. you are very thoughtful...


Julie Redman said...

i hope this journey to bring your daughter home will keep moving along. it is incredibly hard waiting for our children but how much harder it has to be with all that has gone on with liberian adoptions. i will be praying for your family.

Stephanie said...

What a precious gift! I understand the waiting but the unknowns that you are facing right now are too much to fathom. Praying that God will do a supernatural work in Liberia (and Haiti) to bring our children home!